For Sale By Owner Leads Have Arrived at Mojo

For Real Estate agents, a solid listing inventory can make the difference between struggling to make ends meet or hitting pay dirt in one of the most lucrative sales industries there is. It is because of this that a great listing inventory is the goal, the holy grail if you will, of all Real Estate agents wanting more than just an average income.

It takes more than just the ‘want’ though to be a top-producing agent with a great listing inventory, it takes a blend of tools and traits, that when combined, create the recipe for success, even in the worst of markets.

At Mojo, we know that it takes three main ingredients to be successful prospecting on the phone; a tool that makes you more efficient, good data, and the ‘know-how’ to get the appointment once you get the lead on the phone. For years, the Mojo Dialer has been the tool of choice for Top Producers all over North America, and Mojo’s Lead Store has been the popular Just Listed/Just Sold data source used by thousands of Realtors for growing their listing inventories. With the Mojo Dialer’s ability to dial out at up to 300 calls per hour and the almost unlimited amount of neighborhood data in the Lead Store, listings just come easier to our clients. Today, we are proud to announce a new data source integrated into our Lead Store, For Sale By Owner data.

 “At Mojo, we know it takes three main ingredients to be successful prospecting on the phone”

The decision to offer For Sale by Owner data was an easy one for a few reasons. The first reason is simply that for a Realtor to truly be successful prospecting for listings, they must leverage the many types of leads available. For Sale by Owner leads are plentiful and with the right approach, can easily be the low-hanging fruit that many Realtors are looking for. Additionally, many markets are seeing their Expired inventory dry up, making For Sale by Owner data that much more valuable to our Realtors. We knew we could take a new approach to the cultivation and delivery of the For Sale by Owner data. Let’s face it, we’re the dialer company, sort of like the ‘hairdresser’, we have heard everything there is to know about making data better and we have learned that more is better and that control is king.

For Sale By Owner Quality and Quantity

The first goal was to deliver more For Sale by Owner data than anyone. Seasoned Real Estate agents that have been prospecting For Sale by Owner data for years are reporting the delivery of more For Sale by Owner data from our service than any service they have used in the past!

Having a lot of data is not the only goal though, quality and control is just as important. Mojo’s For Sale by Owner data undergoes a very tedious approval and filtering process before it is ever delivered to our customers. We weed out incomplete ads, fake ads, out-of-area ads, and anything that might make it a waste of valuable time for our customers to call on it.

Mojo’s For Sale by Owner leads are delivered in real-time in the Mojo Prospecting System.

Real-Time Delivery of For Sale By Owner Leads

We wanted the very best delivery methods available. We set out to have a service that delivers high-quality For Sale by Owner data in real-time, as we approve it and we deliver. All of our For Sale by Owner data is delivered throughout the day as we get it and immediately inserted into our client’s For Sale by Owner data list inside the Mojo Dialer.

Delivery Filters

Finally, we learned that agents wanted control over the data that was delivered, they wanted to have a say over what was inserted. For this, we created filters that our customers can set and forget or massage to get the most out of their data. Our filters include specific geographical areas based on zip codes, price points, and property type, ensuring that our For Sale by Owner customers only receive the data they want to list and nothing they don’t want.

We said at the beginning of this post that three things make a person successful prospecting on the phone and you will have to wait to see what we have up our sleeve for the third component:) We can say this though, If you’re a Real Estate agent looking for the most complete prospecting package, there is only one company for you, Mojo!

For a walkthrough of Mojo’s For Sale by Owner service, click the image below:

Mojo Dialer and Leads

‘Mojo’s For Sale by Owner data is only available in their new web-based platform available here. For more information, please contact Mojo at 877-859-6656′