Long ago, the Mojo Dialer was merely a list dialer – agents would load their data files into Mojo, select which list to call, and begin smiling and dialing. The Mojo Dialer worked superbly for this kind of lead generation, and it put us on the map for salespeople looking to prospect with a hosted power dialer. Since then, we have evolved into something much more.
Mojo is no longer just a list dialer. It has grown into a suite of powerful tools including action plans, designed with one goal: Contact, Contact, Contact!
Over the years, our clients’ wants and needs have also evolved, and with each turn in the marketplace, we’ve made the necessary improvements and adaptations to meet their ever-changing challenges.
Today, Mojo is the central sales tool for many of our clients. It’s a single platform where they grow, nurture, and profit from their database using simple contact tools like the Mojo Dialer, Action Plans, drip and blast email, and marketing tools like newsletters and letters.
It all starts with your leads – and your database
A salesperson without leads is like a fisherman casting his line in the bathtub. He will never, ever catch any fish. Any healthy database has a steady stream of new leads, such as Expired, FSBO, and web-generated leads. Leads are a great way to keep the pump primed and the pipeline full.
The long-term benefit of subscribing to a Real Estate lead service like Mojo’s or one of our preferred vendors is that your database will continue to grow, making leads a force multiplier in the transactions you get from your database annually. It’s a no-brainer.
Another major contributor to our clients’ databases is Just Listed/Just Sold data from the Mojo Neighborhood Search. We don’t call them leads because, technically, it is data. Data, that when used correctly through Mojo’s many tools (like the Mojo Dialer) become high-value leads. These leads are proven to have a higher ROI than any other lead source and come without the drudgery often associated with Expired and FSBO prospecting!
The short-term benefit of subscribing to a lead service is the low-hanging fruit, those leads that quickly convert to appointments and listings without much effort. However, depending too much on low-hanging fruit can be dangerous. Trying to build a repeatable business this way will result in certain disappointment.
To be truly successful, you need to actively reach out to your database using a variety of methods for the most penetration. However, before we explore those methods, let’s answer the question, “What should be in my database?”
The answer won’t be the same for every client, but here are the core components of productive databases (in no special order):
Sphere of Influence (SOI) / Circle of Influence (COI)
Most of our clients actively work their SOI/COI inside Mojo. This group comprises everyone they know, including friends, family, barbers, insurance agents, soccer coaches, etc. You get the idea.
Past Clients
This is a simple one. This category is anyone who has done business with you in the past. Now, if you’re brand new to the industry, relax! You will begin building this side of your database in no time. Be patient.
Referrals are the backbone of almost every salesperson’s success. There might be some overlap in your database between your SOI/COI, past clients, and referrals, but don’t worry. The main thing is to figure out a system for your referrals, such as categorizing them into A, B, and C referrals. It’s pretty common to have a ‘C’ group for anyone who has committed to sending you referrals verbally, a ‘B’ group for anyone you know has sent you at least one referral, and an ‘A’ group for those gold-level contacts who have sent you multiple referrals.
Aged Web/Seller Leads
This is another big income-producing category. When salespeople finally give up on a lead, it differs from agent to agent, but one thing is certain: few salespeople fully nurture their leads. This means a lead that you have in your database that seems cold might convert when you least expect it (and with less effort), because the competition has given up on them!
There are many categories in a well-rounded database. The ones mentioned above are just a few popular ones our clients actively target. Always remember that your database is not stagnant. Your goal should be constantly updating it with new opportunities, regardless of the category, when prospecting your leads. A lead that doesn’t convert today might be a great referral maker over time.
Wringing money out of your database with the Mojo Dialer
There’s a saying that Fearless Agent Coaching’s Bob Loeffler always uses, which we love: “Become the celebrity in the household.” It paints such a simple approach to working your database: Keep contacting, touching, and reaching out so that when anyone in your database thinks real estate, they instantly think of YOU.
Mojo has the tools to help you “become the celebrity” in your prospect’s mind. Here are a few ways that Mojo customers are truly putting their databases to work for them:
Daily Leads (Off Market, FSBO, Web Leads)
Clients load these leads (along with any previously received leads that haven’t been contacted yet) into the Mojo Dialer each morning. While prospecting, they categorize the leads they contact into the appropriate group of their choice. Any leads they haven’t contacted get assigned to an Action Plan with drip email and marketing letters. Any leads with emails immediately receive the first of a series of drip emails created by the user. At the session’s end, the client prints a mass letter and mails the letters out.
This workflow offers total penetration, leveraging multiple contact points. Mojo’s Action Plans lets you focus on building relationships with prospects and not worrying about managing routine tasks.
Grouped Leads (Hot Leads, Warm Leads, Future Follow-Up or Any Custom Group)
Clients call their various grouped leads two ways. First, they load the group into the dialer and call leads they’ve contacted before but haven’t converted or set appointments with yet. The conversation is different because they’ve spoken with them before, and the goal is to set the appointment or keep the dialogue and rapport going.
The second method is via our follow-up call workflow, driven by Action Plans. When grouping leads into groups during prospecting, our clients will assign the various Action Plans they have created, including drip emails, marketing letters, tasks, and follow-up calls.
This method is preferred because it eliminates the chance of leads falling through the cracks. The typical workflow here is that after clients prospect their new leads, they enter the Activities planner and begin their follow-up calls. It’s a seamless workflow that makes following up via the phone a breeze!
These leads are getting prospecting calls; drip email, marketing letters and follow-up calls, all pre-scheduled by Mojo’s Action Plans – the ultimate lead generation dream team.
Web Leads
Web leads that come into Mojo almost always get set to an Action Plan immediately. The popular Action Plan used is the “10 Days of Pain.” This is a pre-created plan available in Mojo, and it includes the popular steps used by many of the top agents in the country. Mojo even includes the popular 8×8 and 33 touch plans for those contacts that don’t convert during the 10 Days of Pain.
Sphere of Influence
Our clients leverage our last contact dialing filters and call through these contacts every 90 days. The filter only serves up people not contacted during this time frame, so you never end up calling the same person twice in the same time period. It’s epic!
Clients assign a customized Action Plan to these contacts to ensure that they receive emails, letters, and valuable items at certain intervals between calls. This takes the burden off our clients. They just sit back and do what Mojo reminds them to do.
Our clients love our fully responsive HTML5 email editor because it empowers them to create great-looking email templates for market updates, home buying tips, DIY tips, and much more.

Past Clients
Many of our users use a similar approach to the SOI/COI workflow on these contacts because the goal is the same: Make contact, check needs, and get referrals. They will use the same Action Plan but keep the contacts in separate categories inside their database.
Most clients have their referrals separated (as mentioned earlier) into A, B, and C groups. They will create Action Plans based on these groups and assign them accordingly. Referrals are such a huge income producer that automating your follow-up and communication with this audience ensures that you’re taking full advantage of all the upside.
Popular Action Plans for these include follow-up calls, tasks for sending items of value, and drip emails with templates and letters.
Aged Web/Seller Leads
Our clients actively prospect these using the Mojo Dialer. However, in parallel, they also have them in Action Plans such as the 33 touches. A two-pronged approach to these contacts using the Mojo Dialer in conjunction with a long-term drip plan like the 33 touches is very popular and used by many of our clients.
While this is not an exhaustive list of the many ways agents leverage Mojo, hopefully, you now know how agents use Mojo to crush their database.
The Mojo Dialer, Action Plans, follow-up calls, tasks, and letters work together to extract all the available gold nuggets and opportunities from your database in one easy-to-use, web-based platform.
Ready to venture beyond calling with the Mojo Dialer? If you’d like help setting up an Action Plan or any of the other prospecting tools discussed in this blog, please call our Customer Support team at 877-859-6656. We’d be happy to walk you through any of our tools and recommend strategies for your business!