Find Out Why Mojo Customer Service is Second to None

Mojo Customer Service Team.

By David England

Take a close look at some of the faces of Mojo Customer Service pictured above. Any guess as to what they have in common? They offer awesome Mojo customer service.

Answer: Regardless of their job titles, there is a 99% likelihood they can all answer your most detailed questions about how to best use Mojo for your business.

Our Mojo customer service is constantly interacting with our software developers, so when you call them about a bug or a feature, they can help resolve your issue without scrambling around the building for an “expert.” We’re all Mojo experts.

In my personal life, one of the most aggravating consumer experiences is dealing with customer service over the phone. It doesn’t matter if I’m calling an airline, credit card company, health insurance provider, or my family physician, there are always a few hurdles (elaborate touch-tone menus, voice recognition commands) to trip over before getting an actual human being. Usually, the call quickly degenerates into me shouting “REPRESENTATIVE!” and then being connected to holding music or a recorded loop: “You are call #17 in the queue. Thank you for your patience!”

Calling a tech company is often more aggravating as the initial support person sounds like they are reading from a script and offers unhelpful advice like “Did you try unplugging the machine and then reconnecting it?”

That’s why we’re proud that during 2017, Mojo customers waited an average of only 59 seconds on hold before being connected to a live Tech Support specialist (during our 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday business hours).

And after you wait for those 59 seconds, you’re connected with someone who intimately knows the software. No scripts. No insulting “tips.”

“I Love This Company So Much, I Want to Buy It”

Do you remember that old TV commercial for Remington electric shavers that featured owner Victor Kiam (who also owned the New England Patriots)? In a folksy tone, Kiam declared that he loved shaving with the product so much that he bought the company.

That’s how New Jersey real estate agent Philip Stock feels whenever he talks with Mojo Tech Support. Although he has no intention of buying out current owner and CEO Davis Mangold, Stock jokes on the phone that he’d make an offer if he had the money.

“All of the Mojo customer service people are phenomenal,” says Stock, a Mojo customer since 2009. “They always remember who you are and they are so knowledgeable. They’re so on top of the system from A to Z.”

“It’s not just a great product, it’s the people behind it. It’s David. It’s Stephanie. It’s Ben. It’s Andrew. It’s Nicole. It’s Nikki!” he adds.

A lot of our customers say that they’ve gotten to know our team so well and that we are so responsive that they almost feel like our employees are working at their company.

That is the ultimate compliment. Here are a few other comments we’ve recently received from happy customers:

    • “What I love about Mojo is it is extremely user-friendly and reliable, very affordable, the technical support is better than having a best friend in IT (yup you Andrew!) and everyone who has helped me there does so quickly and efficiently with never a long hold time! And they are always sending webinars on latest features!” – Luann Sutton
    • “Mojo’s team has superior support. In fact, there are no other companies I’ve come across who respond as fast or efficiently as you do!” – Steve Quattrone
    • “Your platform and people ‘kick ass’! Keep rocking and rolling, Mojo.” – Thomas Milani
    • “You have thought of everything, Mojo. No one compares to you and I can’t catch my breath about how awesome you are! It’s like Christmas every time I call in to support. You just make my life EASY!” – Marc Hernandez
    • I love Mojo! I am making a testimonial video this week for you guys. That’s the least I can do for what you’ve done for my business. Love you guys!” – Cameron Evans

Much appreciated, Philip, Luann, Steve, Thomas, Marc, and Cameron!

We love hearing validation from our customers that we are surpassing their expectations – even though we know there’s the added pressure to keep exceeding them.

Our Secret to Mojo Customer Service

<em>Say hello to Brandon a Mojo Customer Service specialist eager to help you Hes a know it all he started at Mojo in May 2009<em>

One of the biggest distinctions separating us from many of our competitors is our huge in-house development team. We don’t contract out software improvements on a per-job basis. We have a full-time team right here in Littleton, New Hampshire. We made this investment because we want to be able to move fast in response to your needs. Whether it’s a bug resolution or implementing a new feature, we sometimes can deliver results in an hour, sometimes by the next day.

Your concerns are our concerns and we fix things right the first time. We are very aware that every minute you’re talking to us is a minute you could be devoting to prospecting.

One more thing worth mentioning is that the average tenure on our Mojo customer support team is eight years. Eight years! Consider that in much of the software world, phone support jobs are notorious for high turnover. You might even say that one year working the phones is like a “dog year,” the equivalent of seven years in real life.

This commitment, which translates to a wealth of product experience that benefits you, is no accident. Mojo employees are highly compensated compared to other software companies and we base bonuses on growth and customer retention. We do pay well because we set a high expectation that all of our employees learn our product inside out and see your issues as their issues.

Customer retention. Employee retention. We’re all intertwined in this business together. Mojo has Tech Support tools built directly into our software and these tools have proven to deliver swift results. But if you prefer to get a human being on the phone, we’re waiting to hear from you!

David England is Vice President of Mojo Selling Solutions.