Telemarketing gets an image boost


Deserved or not — and we think NOT — the telemarketing professional is burdened with many negative stereotypes. Particularly the image of the telemarketer as a short-term, unfocused employee who is just biding time for another “better” job to come along.

The reality is that telemarketing is simply a sales tool — a way to more efficiently sell your products and expand your market base. If your product is exciting, if it solves a problem or even entertains your prospective client, the scripted call can easily transform into a fun conversation.

But back to the stereotype that phone sales is the kind of job that nobody wants, like say cleaning out a chicken coop (no offense to chicken coop cleaners). Turns out that now more than ever, telemarketing careers are becoming appealing to more college graduates and professionals in other industries.

This year, Time Warner Cable in Milwaukee built a huge call center dedicated to retaining the company’s TV, phone and Internet customers — and to convincing them to go for service upgrades. Here’s how the Business Journal of Milwaukee explains the decision to create a new state-of-the-art telemarketing center:

“Cable companies have been losing video service subscribers in recent years, but are capturing more revenue by selling profitable broadband and phone services, said Chris Marangi, an analyst with Gabelli & Associates, New York City. With satellite television and services like AT&T’s U-Verse taking cable customers, the cable firms have had to become creative in pursuing subscribers via telemarketing and other strategies, he said.

“They’re being aggressive about courting subscribers,” Marangi said.

While telemarketing jobs have a reputation of being low paid and their work force transient, Time Warner officials are proud of its benefits and workplace environment. The Time Warner positions require a high school diploma, but many of the new hires have college degrees and post-high school training, (TW vice president Bev) Greenberg said.”

When your company needs to be aggressive about courting new customers — and keeping the ones you have — it makes sense to give your phone sales team the sales tools they need to be most productive.

For starters, Mojo lead management software and power dialers ensure that your telemarketers are never wasting their time with busy signals, answering machines or hang-ups. Our power dialer technology ensures that your sales reps spend 100 percent of their time talking to live people. And after all, it is live people, and not answering machines, who make purchasing decisions!

And our Triple Line Power Dialer is so fast, it lets you hear the first “hello,” not the third or fourth, so your prospective customer isn’t turned off by those awkward delays that telegraph that a sales pitch is on the way.

Give your phone sales team a little Mojo!  Click here for a free Mojo software demo.

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Bob Montgomery