The Jury is In, Mobile Prospecting is HOT!

Never choosing to sit still, last year we set out to change the way agent’s prospect, work and succeed in an ever-increasing mobile environment. We tasked our teams with creating two rock solid, easy to use and fully functional mobile prospecting apps to compliment the Mojo Dialer and data system; they delivered. 

Mojo on the Go! was first released last year for the iPad and just recently, for the iPhone. We’ve got a full quarter of 2014 data behind us and we couldn’t be happier with the success of each app!

 March Mobile Prospecting Statistics

iPad lead dialer
<b>March 2014 Usage Statistics<b><br >Mojo on the Go for iPad<br >Unique Users 1108<br >Call Sessions 2371<br >Total Calls 161000<br >Our iPad app has been available for 8 months and clearly a popular tool for prospecting
iPhone Lead Dialer
<b>March 2014 Usage Statistics<b><br >Mojo on the Go for iPhone<br >Unique Users 414<br >Call Sessions 953<br >Total Calls 47203<br >Not to shabby Our iPhone app was released in February

“I did the Power dialer tonight on the way home from the gym I completed 30 phone calls, absolutely awesome. This is the best productivity tool I’ve ever found” ~ Kevin Landis

As you can see, there was a ton of mobile activity in the month of March and the feedback on it has been great. We have customers prospecting and following up with leads at open houses, in the car between appointments and from the local Starbucks.

The ongoing success of our mobile apps has incentivized us to keep designing and coming out with new mobile solutions… Stay tuned!