Our Zapier Integration is Now Public

Zapier integration and connectivity have been the new buzz for the past several years. Professional salespeople are always looking for ways to save time, save energy, and to make the drudgery of making their systems speak to each other automated. This is why we put so much effort into Mojo Dialer integrations. One tool that has force multiplied Mojo Dialer integrations is Zapier.

Zapier is a third-party platform that acts as a ‘bridge’ between apps so they can communicate. Simply put, it’s a tool that helps anyone connect apps and automate workflows without any complicated code!

How it does it is via Zaps. Zaps are automations made up of two parts; Triggers and Actions. Zaps are what connect your two apps so they can communicate. Zaps are like magic pixy dust for the development community – and the key to many Mojo Dialer integrations.

What makes up a Zap within a Zapier Integration?

Mojo Dialer IntegrationsThe first ingredient to make a Zap is a Trigger. Triggers are just events that happen that start the Zap. An example would be adding a contact to a group in Mojo, or creating an appointment. These actions are triggers and make the magic start.

The second ingredient is Actions. Actions are events that happen in a second app automatically. Examples are if you add a contact to a group in Mojo (the trigger), it is automatically added to your CRM (Customer Relationship Manager). Other examples include adding the contact to your Google Spreadsheets, and adding a Mojo appointment to your favorite calendar.

We could go on and on with examples, that is because over 1000+ apps are supported by Zapier. This means, if you were ambitious and had an imagination like a 5-year-old, you could connect Mojo to an enormous amount of platforms using Zapier (not recommended, as the cloud might power down;)

Leverage two-way Zaps for complete automation.

We strongly urge you to harness all the power of Zaps. In addition to creating Zaps that push contacts and events from Mojo to ‘x’, you can also push into Mojo. Some examples include pushing new Facebook leads to your Mojo calling lists, or adding your website leads via forms (Gravity, Wufoo etc.) to your Mojo lists and groups so you can begin prospecting them instantly.

Pre-Built Zaps are available that make this a POWERFUL Zapier Integration.

While we think using Zapier and creating Zaps is pretty elementary, the folks at Zapier have streamlined the workflow even further by creating pre-built Zaps. In the images below you can see examples.

Zapier integration and Mojo Dialer make for supreme connectivity with all your apps.

If you have Zaps to create that aren’t already pre-built, no sweat, you can create all kinds of custom Zaps within Zapier and their easy-to-use interface makes it super easy!

We’re working on more Zap POWER – Improving the Zapier Integration at Every Turn.

Now that our connection with Zapier is public, there are a few things we’re excited about. First, you can now access our Zaps from the Zapier website. Second, we will be hard at work adding more functionality to our Zaps to include more robust contact updating and other cool stuff to make you more streamlined than ever!

Visit the Zapier website to find out more or sign up today for free and get connecting!